Year: 2013 Issue: 4 (176)
Pages: 162
12248 115310
Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024

Stanford NLP parsers and semantic triplets identification

Information and Signal Processing
  • 771
  • 6908
  • Pages: 9-17

Open-loop tracking of GNSS signals under condition of multipath propagation

Information and Signal Processing
  • 576
  • 6072
  • Pages: 18-28

Recurrent neural network as dynamical system and approaches to its training

Information and Signal Processing
  • 1308
  • 7327
  • Pages: 29-40

Super resolution techniques for direction-finder antenna array with directional elements

Electronics, Antennas, RF-circuits
  • 776
  • 6440
  • Pages: 41-46

Frequency analysis of time series periodic functions by means assessment of the number of ranks

System Analysis and Control
  • 439
  • 6136
  • Pages: 47-54

Neural emulator temperature mode of copper-nickel raw materials smelting in Vanyukov furnace

System Analysis and Control
  • 888
  • 6946
  • Pages: 55-64

Language support for systematic error handling

Computer Systems and Software
  • 474
  • 6022
  • Pages: 65-70

Color Doppler mapping algorithm of biological liquids’ directed flows using optical coherence tomography

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • 612
  • 6324
  • Pages: 71-78

Practical optimization and nonconvex problems

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • 1003
  • 7174
  • Pages: 79-86

Quality assurance of computer-aided design for production metalware based on distributed database of operating defects

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • 547
  • 6201
  • Pages: 87-94

Time-mode delta-sigma modulator for an analog-to-digital converter

Electronics, Electronic Equipment Material ProductionTechnologies
  • 520
  • 6091
  • Pages: 95-101

Semiotic integration and control of business processes in petroleum  organization

Management in Social and Economic Systems
  • 392
  • 5967
  • Pages: 103-110

Research of canonical trivectors of eighth grade by means of theory of the graphs and groups of substitutions

High-performance Computing
  • 551
  • 6039
  • Pages: 112-122

Integral transform for symmetry recognition of gray-level images

High-performance Computing
  • 734
  • 6303
  • Pages: 123-130

Approximate method for determining the number sign in residue number system and it’s technical sales

High-performance Computing
  • 1129
  • 7193
  • Pages: 131-141

Error function generator binary PRS control implemented on arithmetic polynomials

High-performance Computing
  • 659
  • 6440
  • Pages: 142-149

Approach to the creation of a structural code to write and include the deployment of data in a storage device infotelecommunication systems

High-performance Computing
  • 423
  • 5747
  • Pages: 150-155

Constructing best mean-square polynomials approximating a function and its derivatives

High-performance Computing
  • 445
  • 5980
  • Pages: 156-159