Publication schedule
  • №3 September 2024
  • №4 December 2024

Articles by keywords "ERP"

Software package for managing material resources of sheet метаl with elements of DSS

Software of Computer, Telecommunications and Control Systems
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 12
  • Issue: 4
  • 8
  • 4815
  • Pages: 45-57

About ERP-class information systems’ application possibility for educational process management

Information and Telecommunication Technologies in Education
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 6
  • 0
  • 5556
  • Pages: 199-205

Accuracy increasing of delay definition noised radar echo-signals

Measuring Information Systems
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 6
  • 0
  • 5444
  • Pages: 220-225

Developing of sap academic competence centres in as resources and educational base for international scientific and educational programs (SPbSPU case).

Information and Telecommunication Technologies in Education
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 6
  • 0
  • 5932
  • Pages: 188-196

Primary Indicators of Efficiency in the Management of Educational Institutions Using the MDM and the BYOD Technologies

Information and Telecommunications Technologies in Education
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 6
  • 177
  • 6010
  • Pages: 81-94

Enterprise description models and their monitored values

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 5
  • 0
  • 5405
  • Pages: 161-168

An Architecture of an Enterprise Mobility Management Suite for Education Establishments

Information and Telecommunications Technologies in Education
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 5
  • 324
  • 6145
  • Pages: 97-107

Digital comb filter in the devices of noise reduction of speech signals

Information and Signal Processing
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 5
  • 653
  • 6556
  • Pages: 9-15

The problem of enterprise architecture models adequacy and an approach to solving it

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • Year: 2012
  • Issue: 5
  • 1
  • 5299
  • Pages: 107-110

Creating new color perceptual models of human visual system and their collation

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 5
  • 0
  • 5433
  • Pages: 145-151

Mathematical support of decision-making on financial maintenance of mounthly budgets of an agroeconomy

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 4
  • 0
  • 5508
  • Pages: 200-204

Research of canonical trivectors of eighth grade by means of theory of the graphs and groups of substitutions

High-performance Computing
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 4
  • 551
  • 6040
  • Pages: 112-122

Suballocated information system of industry planning process

Devices, Information-measuring Systems
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 4
  • 0
  • 5365
  • Pages: 147-152

Information management system for searching partners and projects using ERP class systems’ tools

System Analysis and Control
  • Year: 2010
  • Issue: 4
  • 1
  • 5520
  • Pages: 67-75

Outstanding characteristics of using of engineering methods of calculation with PLM technologies on the enterprise

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 5282
  • Pages: 178-184

Sequence of the analysis of criteria at the decision of the problem of formation of procedure of situational management for choice information protection frames

Information and Signal Processing
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 5604
  • Pages: 40-47

Method and software for precision measurement of time delay echo-signals of radars

Microsoft Сonference
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 3
  • 685
  • 6067
  • Pages: 123-128

The strategic analysis of activity of the enterprise on the basis of cognitive approach

The All-Russia competition of students works
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 5428
  • Pages: 155-158

Developing of algorithm of determining critical parameter of the resource of technical systems

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 3
  • 0
  • 5381
  • Pages: 89-93

Interpolation Algorithm for an Increasing Function by Exponential Splines

Simulations of Computer, Telecommunications, Control and Social Systems
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: 2
  • 356
  • 6195
  • Pages: 41-48

The methodology of estimarion of university enteprpise information environment

Information and Telecommunication Technologies in Education
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 5596
  • Pages: 212-221

The concept of enteprpise information environment

Information and Telecommunication Technologies in Education
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 5481
  • Pages: 207-212

Structure and algorithms of functioning of program complex «Hedging by interpolation»

Computer Systems and Software
  • Year: 2009
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 5551
  • Pages: 133-138

Algorithms for correct interpretation of information characteristics complex process

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • Year: 2013
  • Issue: 2
  • 573
  • 6426
  • Pages: 63-70

Hybrid soft decision decoding algorithm for Reed–Solomon codes

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 2
  • 0
  • 5842
  • Pages: 169-173

Eleusis: Perfect Recall for Inductive Reasoning

Mathematical Modelling: Methods, algorithms, technologies
  • Year: 2014
  • Issue: 1
  • 368
  • 6013
  • Pages: 69-75

Ontology-based organizational design: ORG-Master methodology and tool

Information and Signal Processing
  • Year: 2012
  • Issue: 1
  • 1
  • 5512
  • Pages: 21-28

Methodological tools for economic management of communication enterprise

Management in Social and Economic Systems
  • Year: 2011
  • Issue: 1
  • 0
  • 5485
  • Pages: 60-64