Editorial preparation has begun to include the journal in the SCOPUS database

11 July 2019
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Dear Authors and Readers!

Editorial preparation has begun to include the journal in the SCOPUS database. Submission of documents is planned by the editors no later than 2021. In this regard, a significant expansion of the journal’s geography and the involvement of foreign authors on a regular basis are expected. As a result, it is advisable to extend the title of the journal, which will be changed as follows: «Computing, Telecommunications and Control».

The main directions of publication activity of the journal will remain in force, but from 2020 the journal will be fully published in English. This circumstance requires special attention of the authors, since the grammatical preparation of papers is more of an author’s area of responsibility. In turn, the editors retain control over the content of the articles and the quality of translations. The site will be posted relevant technical information.

In conclusion, it is not superfluous to remind you of the current practice in SCOPUS, namely: if the journal is included in the database, the indexing starts not from the current, but from the previous year.

Best wishes from editors!

Sincerely yours, A.S.Korotkov